Sustainability Policy
Sustainability is a high priority for governments, consumers and food manufacturers. As a result, Fayrefield Foods has launched a Sustainability project to ensure that it takes positive steps towards operating in the most responsible and ethical way.
Fayrefield Foods Board of Directors defined a framework to develop a sustainable platform to take the Company into a more Sustainable future, our FayreVision, focusing on People, Environment, Social and Governance.
- Fayrefield Foods is currently Sedex approved against Pillar 2 at two of the four sites in the group. All sites will become Sedex Pillar 4 approved.
- Four key areas to enable this are below:
Area | Task |
Supply Chain Map | Complete and update data from full supply chain including all service contactors and supply interventions to obtain information from updated SAQ on Ethical status. |
Corporate policies and business statements | Complete roots and branch review of all company corporate policies and business statements so to re-write, reduce number and align across the business. Following this exercise, present to the Board with justification and send for legal validation. |
Health and Safety policy and procedure review | Complete and update all associated policies and procedures relating to Health and Safety across the full business estate. Review communication and training plan. |
HR Policies and Procedures | Complete a review of HR Policies and procedures. Implement appropriate consequence management based on procedure-based approach through investigation and independent review. Implement a 2-tier system for agency and full-time employees. |
ESG Modelling based on scope 3 emissions requirements | Complete the target setting for ESG modelling set against scope 3 for emissions targets and outputs from Smeta work program. |
- Partnering with suppliers who have active sustainability models, or who are currently building sustainability models.
- Reviewing our current energy supply – migrate supply over to Green Energy Supplier.
- Review all transport with a view to minimise movement and therefore reduce CO2 emissions.
- Ensure Gender Equality remains in the business, maintaining an appropriately balanced workforce.
- Explore the world of recyclable and recycled packaging.
To do this, Fayrefield Foods have enlisted the assistance of a specialist consultant as well as utilising expertise from other third parties such as Dairy UK, PTF, Campden.
This policy is to be reviewed at each board meeting with new targets set when milestones are achieved.

N.McFarlane- Managing Director
Date: 30th March 2023