homeFayrefield Foods2015-03-24T13:40:50+00:00
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[one_fourth][service skin=”theme_color” icon_width=”90″ icon=”icon-droplet” title=”Dairy Specialists” icon_style=”circle”]We are one of the UK’s largest independent dairy companies internationally recognised as experts in brand management and innovation in the food sector.[/service][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][service skin=”theme_color” icon_width=”90″ icon=”icon-food” title=”Leading Brands” icon_style=”circle”]Fayrefield Foods own or manage a number of key brands into the retail and food service markets across both the UK and Europe.[/service][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][service skin=”theme_color” icon_width=”90″ icon=”icon-globe-1″ title=”Scalable Solutions” icon_style=”circle”]We offer manufacturers an entry to UK and European markets, bespoke brand development and new product development packages.[/service][/one_fourth]
[one_fourth][service skin=”theme_color” icon_width=”90″ icon=”icon-lightbulb” title=”Innovation Experts” icon_style=”circle”]We specialise in the supply of commodity dairy products, premium added value ranges and healthy eating products.[/service][/one_fourth]
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[one_half][title divider=”part”]Latest News.[/title][blog_posts style=”list” number=”2″ image_width=”140″ words=”13″][/one_half]
[title divider=”part”]About Us – At A Glance![/title]
[tab title=”What are we?”]Fayrefield Foods are an independent sales and marketing company specialising in the supply of bulk commodity dairy products, milk powders, bespoke premium added value ranges and healthy eating products in all pack sizes and supplying the Retail, Foodservice, Industrial and Trading sectors[/tab]
[tab title=”Our expertise?”]We are one of the UK’s largest independent dairy companies internationally recognised as experts in brand management and innovation in the food sector. [/tab]
[tab title=”What do we offer?”]We offer manufacturers an entry to UK and European markets, bespoke brand development and new product development packages.[/tab]
[tab title=”Where do we operate?”]Fayrefield distribute internationally to multiple major retailers, independent retailers, food service outlets and to the food manufacturing industry across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.[/tab][/tabs]
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[action style=”skin” title=”Online Bulk Dairy Trading” button=”Visit Dairy Buyer” url=”http://www.dairybuyer.com/” image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/db-logo.png” image_width=”230″]Dairybuyer.com is a brand new concept in dairy trading. Dairy Buyer is designed to be the most cost effective, economical way to procure dairy product, whilst importantly returning the fairest market return to the Producer.[/action]
[section title=”Brands added recently” subtitle=”Here are some recently added brands. See the full range in our brand browser” unique_word=”Brands” padding_top=”10″]
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[section title=”Fayrefield managing leading brands in worldwide markets” unique_word=”brands” sub_title=”Here is some of our lovely clients who choose Sanabel.” bg=”color” padding_top=”10″]
[clients][client image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Colliers-logo.jpg” url=”#” name=”Collier’s Powerful Welsh Cheddar”][client image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Food-Heaven-logo-small.png” url=”#” name=”Food Heaven”][client image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/MC-logo.jpg” url=”#” name=”Meadow Churn”][client image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/SN-logo.jpg” url=”#” name=”San Nicasio”][client image=”https://www.fayrefield.com/V2/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Violife-logo-small.jpg” url=”#” name=”Violife”][/clients]